
Senate Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood

“The president can’t be shielded by the weighty decision he’ll finally have to make when this measure lands right on his desk”, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


It’s though that the Senate will send the bill to the President but the White House has pledged that he will veto it.

The amendment, which is a part of a legislative effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act – President Barack Obama’s signature health care law – will nearly certainly be vetoed when the bill ends up in the Oval Office.

“There were over four million visits to Planned Parenthood clinics past year, and over 90 percent of this was basic women’s health care and not abortions”, Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) said on the House floor during the September vote. Obamacare will still be the law of the land, and Republicans will be on the record as supporting legal loopholes that empower mass murderers. Republicans are using a filibuster-proof process that requires just a simple majority, not the 60 senators usually required to end debate and bring a bill to a vote.

Vote came down to down to party lines.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., mocked the Republicans’ “absurd attempt” to repeal the health care law and noted the large number of people – including in McConnell’s Kentucky – who’ve obtained coverage under the law. “We’re wasting our time here today”.

“What happened last Friday is a tragedy, and it is unconscionable that extreme politicians in Congress are doubling in their attacks on Planned Parenthood and the people who rely on us for preventive health care”. Dianne Feinstein of California that would prevent people on the terror watch list from buying guns, and a third amendment to strengthen mental health and substance abuse treatment all failed. Several senators may vote no because it only repeals parts of the Affordable Care Act. The court on June 25 preserved subsidies that help millions of Americans pay their health insurance premiums.

By steering these two hot-button issues into the reconciliation bill, Republican leaders also steered them away from a separate must-pass government funding bill Congress is dealing with now known as the omnibus. But the Medicaid provision could cost votes from other Republicans, who are up for re-election in competitive states.

So far, their amendment has been filed but has not yet been scheduled for a vote. That would drive up premiums, prompting healthy policyholders to drop coverage, causing still more rate increases, the government contends.

Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Marco Rubio, R-Florida, vehemently oppose the healthcare law. All three ultimately voted for the measure.


The proposal would have struck the section of the bill that blocks federal funding for Planned Parenthood for one year while redirecting it other community health centers.

Senate GOP Health Law Repeal Delivers Wins to Party's Wings