
Senator Chuck Schumer and cousin, Amy Schumer speak out for gun control

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and comedian Amy Schumer, who are cousins, have partnered to create a new push for more sensible gun control laws, reported CBS News. The legislation will reward states with funding for submitting all necessary records into background check systems.


The proposed legislation, as described later by the senator, would require states to report information to improve background checks, survey the states for best practices on involuntary commitment of the mentally ill and share that, and fund federal programs for mental-health and substance-abuse services. “How many lives lost?” “There is a way to stop them”, she said. The deaths of Jillian Johnson and Mayci Breaux at the hands of John Houser-“I’m not gonna even say his name” said Amy-made her both “devastated” and “angry”, and while she was unsure why Houser had decided to commit the shooting at her movie, she wasn’t going to stop with a statement. Before Senator Schumer unveiled a three-part plan to tighten the grip on gun control, Schumer delivered an emotionally driven speech about how the latest event has personally affected her and what she hopes to accomplish.

In the wake of the fatal shootings at Amy’s “Trainwreck” screening in Louisiana, the actress responded to an open letter from Sarah Clements, whose mother survived the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012.

She called the proposals that Sen. “I don’t know how else to say it”.

“Your movie … will now forever have this shooting attached to it. You’ve been caught in the middle of our country’s terrifying, unending war with itself, our sick and twisted relationship with the gun lobby, which tells us we need guns for anyone, anywhere, anytime”.

Comedian Amy Schumer is joining forces with her cousin, Sen. “We need your help”.

The July 23 shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana was the second in an American movie theater in four years, after the 2012 massacre in Aurora, Colorado during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises. In a sketch that first aired in May, the actress’ character finds it far more hard to obtain birth control than it is for a boy to acquire a gun.


Schumer also said she expected backlash for speaking out about guns, but she didn’t care. The 34-year-old comic has referenced the gun rights debate in the past, in her comedy show Inside Amy Schumer. “I want to be proud of the way I’m living and what I stand for”.

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