
Senator Rubio not interested in becoming Vice President

Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said on Thursday he would not be anybody’s running-mate in the November 8 presidential election, slamming down rumors that he was seeking the vice presidential nod from former rivals.


Colbert introduced Rubio, who suspended his campaign for president on Tuesday after losing the Florida Republican primary to Donald Trump, as the “Florida senator and boy whose birthday party your parents made you attend, Marco Rubio”. “Every major political figure in the Republican Party at the national level ran for president, so I’m so proud of how far we got”.

To start, Rubio said he would not accept an offer to run as vice president from any of the remaining Republican presidential contenders. “We’re going to work really hard here as we have some things we want to achieve, and then I’ll be a private citizen”.

“With tribute Trump marching toward Capitol City, I’d just like to say, everything’s going to be fine”, Colbert said as his voice cracked. Ted Cruz of Texas or Ohio Gov John Kasich in the GOP presidential nomination race. Mere days after dropping out of the 2016 presidential race, Rubio has stated that once his senate terms ends, he will retreat from politics – at least for the foreseeable future. “People are going to write books about this year, there’s going to be a lot of political scholarship on what exactly is happening”, he said.

On Mar. 16, Rubio held a conference call with his Minnesota supporters to express his thanks.


“Well, you could have voted for him”.

Former Republican presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio passes by reporter's after voting on Capitol Hill in Washingt