
Senator Schumer and Mr. Joel, Long Island thanks you

IF YOU OPPOSE the Iranian nuclear agreement, you are increasing the chances of war.


In Israel, Dermer emphasized, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and head of the opposition, Zionist-Union leader Isaac Herzog, as well as heads of other opposition parties share the view that the Iranian accord is a bad deal that leaves Iran a nuclear threshold state and endangers Israel.

Among Democrats, 35 percent would vote it down, while 50 percent would approve the agreement, the survey finds. S. and its allies have agreed to lift sanctions against Iran.

Here’s the president from his American University speech: “Congressional rejection of this deal leaves any U.S. administration that is absolutely committed to preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon with one option – another war in the Middle East”. “We have not whipped the vote either“.

He said U.S. Treasury experts “are doing a full dive on how this works and what the implications are”.

“If we turn around and nix the deal and then tell them, ‘You’re going to have to obey our rules and sanctions anyway, ‘ that is a recipe, very quickly … for the American dollar to cease to be the reserve currency of the world“, Kerry said at a Reuters Newsmaker event. President Barack Obama has promised to veto any such bill, meaning that two-thirds of both chambers would be needed to override his veto.

We must put pressure on Congress to reject this deal and prevent our children from inheriting a risky nuclear-armed regime.

But the agreement will require Iran to reduce its stockpile by 98 percent, to reduce its number of centrifuges from 19,000 to 6,104, and to keep its enrichment level so low that it would not be suitable for weapons, the White House says. The process itself would take a minimum of 65 days to play itself out, which would give plenty of time for Iran to obfuscate.

The U.S. Department of State responded to Tester’s letter on August 5.

“While President Obama is fantastic as a campaigner and a politician that we saw in 2008 to 2012, [but] his messaging on the Iran deal has been terrible, and he has not risen to the occasion to stand up against AIPAC and the Jewish Zionist lobby that are basically having a free hand”, he noted. And those who say I can force people to vote my way, twist arms and get votes don’t understand the Senate. For Iran, the agreement will offer some relief from the economic sanctions slapped on it by the West, in return for the strict curbs on its nuclear program, which the West suspects, is for making a nuclear bomb.


The president racks up his highest marks on race relations, education and climate change – even though he doesn’t rack up a majority approval rating on any of them, the poll finds. Even if they abide by the deal, which is highly unlikely, we are merely kicking the can down the road and allowing them to develop nuclear weapons in 10-15 years, with the blessing of the world community.

Sen. Charles Schumer D-N.Y. third ranking in the Senate Democratic leadership speaks on his cell phone following a closed-door caucus at the Capitol in Washington Sunday Dec. 30 2012 to discuss how to avoid the