
Services held for three of 5 slain Dallas officers

The service for Thompson, 43, drew hundreds of law enforcement officers in crisp formal uniforms to The Potter’s House, the Dallas megachurch headed by celebrity Bishop T.D. Jakes. The Rosary at the Fort Worth Independent School District’s Wilkerson-Greines Activity Center will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Dallas police chief David O. Brown attended and waited in line with the rest of the community.


The police force was also short-staffed.

Dallas police Sgt. Michael Smith, 55, was a father of two daughters and had previously served in the Army.

A Catholic mass was held for a third officer, Michael Smith, whose funeral is being held today. So many police were attending the simultaneous funerals, stations around the city had to cover one another’s shifts. Lorne Ahrens, another officer killed in last week’s ambush.

In the aftermath of last week’s sniper attack, where five police officers were killed, thousands came out to grieve and honor the fallen.

Ahrens’ funeral will take place in Plano.

The night before Ahrens died, he bought dinner for a homeless man, President Obama said at Monday’s memorial service. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

He and the others were tearing up.

“We have a lot of work to do, but it’s not impossible”, said Dallas resident Fonda Livingston. Unfortunately, and more and more of late, some people are using their free will to choose hate.

Coffey concluded his remarks by saying: “He will be dearly missed and I love you little brother”.

“No chain of command”, he added, “no higher authority, just flesh-and-blood human beings”. Lorne Ahrens have told law enforcement officers from as far away as Canada that Ahrens was a “supersized can of kickass” who was a voracious reader with an intelligence that was equal to his size.

Officer Krol, 40, is best described by his mother as a “caring person who always wanted to help others”.

“I was awestruck to see the amount of respect where people were pulling on the side of the road, waving, waving flags, saluting”, Tanner said. He was tall too they said – something you wouldn’t know from his official police photograph.

The officers slain in Dallas last week were patrolling a demonstration decrying the killings by police of Alton Sterling, 37, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile, 32, outside St. Paul, Minnesota.

“Nothing brings compliance as quickly as Lorne unfolding himself from a squad auto”, she said.

She didn’t find out that he was dead for a few hours.


As my children and I sat watching the live stream of the funeral, tears began to well up in all of our eyes. “He spoke to him, and within minutes had the boy smiling and laughing”, she said. Make checks payable to the Dallas Police Support Fund.

Hundreds Attend Visitation for Sgt. Michael Smith