
Serving the Underserved: Community Health Centers Celebrate 50 Years

With so many Nevadans having coverage, the primary health care system has been overwhelmed with people trying to access services. The program has now grown more than 9000 community health centers nationwide, helping some 23 million Americans. Since their inception, community health centers have demonstrated impressive results in reducing infant mortality, improving immunization rates, developing programs for early screening and treatment of cancer, and managing chronic conditions such as obesity and diabetes.


Health West recently built new community health centers in Pocatello and Chubbuck.

These funds are part of the most recent distribution from the Health Resources and Services Administration, which include five awards totaling almost $4 million to serve a proposed 20,371 new patients in North Carolina.

National Health Center Week was celebrated today in Eastern Idaho by one of the dominant community health care providers in the area, Health West.


“How to prevent illnesses before someone becomes sick”, says Jolly, “is a huge cost savings to individuals and to the health care system overall”. “These awards mean that more communities than ever can count on a health center to help meet the increasing demand for primary care”. Without their leadership, hundreds of families in our community would have lost access to affordable healthcare at Escambia Community Clinics. Today, however, we are grateful because there are working families in our health center waiting rooms getting affordable healthcare thanks to their vote. National Health Center Week 2015, August 9-15, is an opportunity to celebrate the successes of community health centers and to thank them for their services. Their support ensures a healthy, sustainable Community Health Center system that can continue serving Louisiana far into the future.

Letter: Community health centers make a difference