
Seth Meyers Bans Donald Trump From ‘Late Night’

Seth Meyers has his own late night talk show on NBC and while he is more than happy to have politicians pay his show a visit, there is one person who has now been banned.


“Sure, Trump didn’t explicitly say it”, Meyers said.

“But Trump’s vague innuendo is no accident”, he continued. “For one thing, Trump banned a major newspaper from reporting on his campaign, and it’s not even the first time he’s done that”. The paper reported that Trump had suggested President Barack Obama sympathized with terrorists after not using the phrase “radical Islam” in response to Sunday’s Orlando shooting.

“If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat ISIL aren’t taking the fight seriously”, Obama said in a televised address,”that’d come as a surprise to those who’ve spent these last seven and a half years dismantling Al-Qaeda and the [ Federally Administered Tribal Areas], for example”.

“This hateful, risky rhetoric has the potential to make Muslim-Americans feel threatened and unwelcome”, Meyers added.

When Trump got word of the story, he took to social media to ban the outlet from covering any of his campaign events.

Typically when you look at late-night TV shows and their relationship to one Donald Trump, they will do nearly anything and everything in order to ensure that he comes on the show and spouts off a few opinions.

“To be fair, he wasn’t coming on anyway”, Myers jokes.

The world of late-night talk has had a freakish relationship with Donald Trump over the last few months, with shows like The Tonight Show and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert alternating between bringing the Republican frontrunner onto their sets for strained but polite conversation (and the attendant ratings his boisterous assholery is always sure to bring), and slamming the Republican frontrunner with jokes about his small hands, his bad hair, and his rampant bigotry.


“To be clear, this is bigotry, plain and simple”.

'Everything we figured out in those first three weeks didn't work and we only knew it didn't work from doing the show