
Seven people detained linked with Istanbul bombing: Turkish minister

Peru also said one of its nationals had died in the attack.


Four more suspects linked to ISIL arrested across Turkey over Tuesday’s suicide blast that killed 12 people. The suspects were not identified.

“This person entered Turkey as an ordinary migrant”.

Elsewhere in his comments, Ala said the bomber had recently registered with Turkish immigration authorities, but was not on any list of known militant suspects.

The Journal recalls that two of the ISIS-affiliated killers who perpetrated the slaughter in Paris also allegedly traveled in the guise of refugees.

65 people were detained yesterday in raids in Ankara; Izmir on the Aegean; the Syrian border town of Kilis; Sanliurfa close to Syria; Mersin on the Mediterranean; and the southern city of Adana, the Anatolia news agency said. Six of the victims remained hospitalized on Wednesday.

They are suspected of having links to Islamic State but it is unclear if there is a direct link to the Istanbul bombing.

“It seems to make it less likely this was anything but a centrally commanded operation by the Islamic State”, he said.

Police have identified the suicide bomber, Davutoglu told journalists on Wednesday but did not supply a name. The warnings also included a list of potential suicide bombers, 19 of whom were Syrian nationals. Some 17 others were injured, including nine Germans, one Peruvian and seven Norwegians.

Merkel similarly vowed no respite in the fight against worldwide terrorism, telling a news conference in Berlin: “The terrorists are the enemies of all free people… of all humanity, be it in Syria, Turkey, France or Germany”.

Three Russian citizens were arrested in the resort city of Antalya on suspicion of being members of the jihadist group, the government said.

Some IS fighters of Russian origin are believed to have left IS to settle in Turkey, families say.

The Prime Minister vowed to reveal the “real actors” behind the IS which Turkey has said was behind last year’s bombings in the southeastern city of Suruc and the capital Ankara, and now in Istanbul.

The Washington InstituteTurkey, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation military alliance and the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, has repeatedly said it wants to flush Islamic State from a zone in northern Syria just across its border.

“When we heard about the attack, we felt ashamed”, said the father Abdullatif Fadlı, who lives in Mumbuc district of Aleppo.

Germany sent a team of investigators to Istanbul on Wednesday from its Federal Criminal Police Office, to support Turkish authorities investigating the attack.

Davutoglu, his wife, Sare, and de Maiziere placed red roses by the obelisk, which appeared to have sustained no damage in the bombing.

Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière said Wednesday, there is now no evidence that the bombers targeted took German target.


The nationalities of the two others killed in the blast were not immediately released, but both were foreigners. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

Explosion reported in central Istanbul