
Shell resumes operations after storms force Arctic stop

(AP Photo/Don Ryan, File).


Tuesday’s tweet plants Clinton squarely in the opposed category, and aligns her with environmental activists who want the United States to wean itself off fossil fuels and say drilling in the Arctic will deepen the country’s commitment to oil.

In Seattle, Shell faced protests on the water by “kayaktivists” upset over the company staging equipment in the city. In Portland, Oregon, Greenpeace USA protesters hung from the St. Johns Bridge to delay a Shell support vessel, from heading to the Arctic. “And that’s not right”, said Dex.

President Barack Obama is in Alaska touting the dual agenda of taking the steps needed to slow the impacts of climate change while ensuring state revenue from the oil and gas industry remains durable.

Odum is staying in the same hotel as the president – the Hotel Captain Cook.

As the giant Shell oil company begins highly controversial and risky exploration drilling in the Arctic, the price of crude continues to slide.

Thousands of Pacific walrus are coming ashore on the northwest Arctic coast of Alaska, repeating a migratory change for the walrus which U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists have called a clear effect of loss of Arctic Ocean sea ice on which the animals rely.

He could and should have said he understood there was a price attached to this decision and the US would now have to work even harder to accelerate its clean energy transition and bolster its energy security by maximising output from the fossil fuel reserves it already has.

Kerry said more knowledge and technology was developed after the BP spill, and repeated a few times that the Shell lease is a “test”. Shell Oil will conduct exploratory drilling this summer in the Chukchi Sea. If it’s found, Shell could apply for production permits and move oil by undersea pipe to the Alaska shore and then overland across northern Alaska to the trans-Alaska pipeline. Does a coal to gas switch justify gas exploration for several more decades? Greens were incensed in January when the Interior Department proposed opening up swaths of the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean to offshore drilling. I mean, if I have to see a cutesy bit of yoghurt on the end of Nicole Scherzinger’s cutesy bloody nose just one more time …


“I believe the lessons that came out of the Gulf incident, properly applied, could ramp up the confidence level very significantly, and that’s what the president is putting to the test”, he said. I implore you all to go speak to your own drummer’s mum. It’s in the company’s best interest, he said.

A Lowdown On Royal Dutch Shell plc Arctic Drilling Plans