
Shelter cat looks exactly like Adam Driver

Chewbacca might not be the only furry cast member of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


Adam Driver’s role as masked villain Kylo Ren in the record-breaking Star Wars: The Force Awakens has turned the actor into one of the Internet’s new favorite obsessions. Per Monmouth County’s website, Corey is a two and a half year old Oriental Shorthair with “soft fur”.

This is the unbelievable image of a cat which was abandoned at a welfare shelter that looks suspiciously like Star Wars character Kylo Ren.

According to Monmouth County SPCA’s Facebook page: ‘After a social media whirlwind, Corey the cat has been adopted!

The Monmoth County SPCA, who were housing Corey, updated his adoption status earlier today, saying he has officially adopted!

McCombs writes that she changed the cat’s name to the more appropriate Kylo Ren and he’s already adjusting well to his new home.


Within hours, Corey made his debut on Reddit, where people swiftly started to quote Driver’s brilliant Undercover Boss Saturday Night Live sketch, in which the actor plays Kylo Ren going undercover as “Matt” at the Starkiller Base. He was up for adoption in New Jersey.

This Cat Looks Like Adam Driver & We Are Done With The Internet Now