
Shirtless Chicago Jogger I’m Like Tim Tebow … But Attainable

Ethan Renoe told a reporter on Sunday night while he was out for a run around Lake Michigan in unusually warm winter weather.


Temperatures reached a record 64 degrees in Chicago, which turned out to be “perfect weather” for studly Chicagoan Ethan Renoe to go for a shirtless run.

A man who was stopped while out running in the rain without a shirt has become a viral hit on Facebook. “Too wet to wear a shirt, you know?” One day later it’s been viewed over 1.8 million times and received over 20,000 likes and more than 12,000 shares on Facebook.

The “shirtless wonder” visited the station’s studios on Monday where he shared his surprise at the reaction of the video interview. Renoe revealed that he’s originally from Colorado, and he’s heading home for the holidays this week.


“I don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff”, Renoe said. When asked if he’s “looking for love”, he replied: “I am”. Oh, and he’s also single, as he tells the camera and now the rest of the internet.

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