
‘Shocking’ Video Of Police Shooting Released

One dash cam video released by the IPRA shows an officer firing at the stolen Jaguar as it headed toward the police presence in the 7400 block of South Merrill Avenue in the South Shore neighborhood. The footage, which contains profanity, shows police handcuffing the suspect, who is lying on his stomach with blood on his back. Following the auto chase, police opened fire and killed an 18-year-old black teenager named Paul O’Neal.


No gun was recovered from the scene. In February, Emanuel announced the city would start releasing videos of shootings and other major uses of force within two to three months.

It was the first time the city has made video of a fatal police shooting public following adoption of a new policy that calls for the police to do so within 60 days. That video sparked protests and led to the ouster of the former police superintendent.

In another clip, an officer searched for a stun gun, which had apparently been lost in the pursuit. “I felt like that was a tear right down the middle of this relationship between the community and police, and I think it’s going to even further divide communities in Chicago as it relates to public safety in the city”.

After leaving the backyard, the second officer’s partner can be heard saying, “Fuck, man. I’m gonna be on the desk for 30 goddamn days now”.

Some people took to social media to question why some of the officers could be seen giving each other high-fives in the video and why some of their cameras were switched off.

Authorities have not said specifically what policy the officers broke.

The department revised its deadly force rules in February 2015 to ban firing into a vehicle when the automobile is the only force used against an officer or bystander.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson was scheduled to speak on the release of the video around 1 p.m. A small group of protesters stood in front of the microphones, blocking Johnson, and refused to let him talk. Authorities have not said specifically what policy was broken.

Three police officers have been stripped of their powers since the shooting last week. She did not elaborate.

After showing other officers where O’Neal was sacked upon, the officer anxious aloud about his job, and O’Neal’s life. It was around 7:30 pm when the police tried to pull the teen over and the video, from the body cameras as well as the dashboard cameras, show the resulting crash and chase.

In a final attempt to escape, O’Neal collides with a police cruiser in his stolen vehicle and then flees on foot.

The videos released Friday by IPRA, which is investigating the shooting, also appear to show some officers telling their colleagues to turn off their cameras during the aftermath.

Oppenheimer accused the officer who fired the fatal shot of intentionally shutting down his body camera so no footage would capture that moment. “Again, I’m asking for a special prosecutor, I’m not the prosecutor now”.

Around 3:12: Officers are talking about what happened.

Police body cameras are seen on a mannequin at an exhibit booth by manufacturer Wolfcom at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago, Illinois.

The medical examiner’s office said O’Neal died of a gunshot wound to the back.

“We just came from watching Chicago police officers execute Paul O’Neal”, Family lawyer Michael Oppenheimer said. Another is unable to climb over and walks around to the rear of another home where the suspect is on the ground.


“Due to the fact that this chaotic incident occurred in a matter of moments, each individual perspective needs to be taken into consideration”, the union said in a statement.

Paul O’Neal Police Shooting Video Released