
Shooting victim, Chris Mintz, reportedly released from hospital in Roseburg

Harper-Mercer, 26, killed nine people during the rampage before killing himself.


Chris Mintz was shot seven times while trying to stop the shooter at Umpqua Community College one week ago.

According to a family statement on the Chris Mintz-UCC Shooting Survivor GoFundMe page, “During the shooting both of his legs were broken and he is going to have to go through a ton of physical therapy”.

“That’s him, that’s who he is”, described Rutledge, ” He puts others first”. Anticipating that Mintz’s surgeries and the recuperation that follows would be costly, a CNN producer suggested to his cousin that the family start the campaign, The Daily Dot reported. “Don’t do this, ‘” she said.

“Chris’s actions (Thursday) were not to receive the attention that he’s receiving today”, said Jayme Skinner, the mother of Mintz’s son.

Chris Mintz still has a long road to recovery. Mintz survived, but doctors say the 30-year-old will need to learn to walk all over again. A father can finally be with his son. That fund, Little said, is meant to help victims and families pay for medical expenses, funeral expenses, counseling services and remaining college debt.


A link to the GoFundMe page can be found here.
