
Shop with a cop

Five children from the Thorne family participated in this year’s Shop with a Cop.


Breakfast was served at the Eagles Lodge as officers were paired with a child.

The Franklin Chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police sponsors the “Shop with a Cop” event every year during the holidays.

“We take a handful of kids, we have about 30 kids”, said Sgt. Bryan Lovell.

“You see so much negative publicity towards law enforcement and we want to be able to show kids that we’re not bad people, we want to help kids”, said James Jackson, a detective for the Gering Police Department.

Then after a quick tour of the police vehicles they were off to Wal-Mart to shop.

On Saturday, December 12, 2015 the Dixon Police Department partnered with the Lee County Sheriff’s Department to meet with community members for some shopping.

Each child was allowed $150 to spend on whatever they liked, whether that was toys for themselves or presents for their family.

The money is raised through different donation events in the county. Kids were chosen to participate by counselors and principals of various schools based on good behavior, grades, and effort.


This is the 5th year Idaho Falls has held the event.

Shop With A Cop