
Shoppers spend Thanksgiving waiting in line for deals

Early bird shoppers flocking to stores on Thanksgiving has become a holiday tradition for some.


“There are fantastic deals still”.

“Because tomorrow will be worse than today, and there were good sales today, and we’ve got nothing to do”, said Mykayla Jones.

“Bath and Body Works was great, we went to Finish Line… it was fun, just had a good time!” said shopper Cristal Howe.

But Ross said it was worth it after he bought a 50-inch TV for $150.

“I already did my Thanksgiving, fortunately, so I didn’t have one for today, so that’s the only reason I could come out today”, Trout said.

The family ate their Thanksgiving meal around 10 they would not feel rushed. “I think people take a break, go get breakfast, grab some doughnuts, coffee and then comeback for round two”.

Cielo Vista Mall in east El Paso is ready for thousands of people who will pour in this weekend, but Black Friday got off to a calm start.

According to a statistic from the International Council of Shopping Centers, 71 percent of all Americans will hit the stores at some point over the next few days. The people toward the back of the line were seeking less in-demand items like game systems, Fitbits and kitchen appliances.

BrandsMart will remain open until 2 a.m. and will reopen several hours later. “I want the red cross body purse”.

J.C. Penney on Powers and North Carefree Circle, for example, opened their doors 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.

Other shoppers were buying TVs and computers at Best Buy in Ross.

The Drakes head to the mall every year for Black Friday. Those retailers are encouraging shoppers to spend time with their family.


“I got my phone, I got my laptop, my tablet and, like, five blankets”, Esteban Rodulfo, who showed up at a Best Buy in Fresno, California, told NBC station KSEE. “All of our stores are doing fantastic deals and we’re also giving away a set of Saints tickets this weekend too”.

Shoppers Camp Out Waiting For Best Buy Black Friday Deals