
Shots fired in downtown Denver, victims sent to local hospital

Police spokesman Doug Schepman said officers quickly entered the building where they found the gunman dead, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.


Police said victims are being transported to the hospital.

Roads in the area remain closed while police investigate but the shooting scene has been secured. Schepman also confirmed that the victim in critical condition was a woman with multiple gunshot wounds, and that she was targeted by the shooter. Denver Police later evacuated the building and conducted a thorough search.

The woman shot yesterday at the Denver Alliance Center for Sustainability has died, according to Denver Police. A tweet by the department called it an “active crime scene”.

“Shots fired at 15th & Wynkoop”. It is unclear how many victims there are.

The Denver Police Department will soon broadcast a live press conference on Periscope.

The Alliance Center houses 49 non-profits, including many environmental and progressive organizations, such as Conservation Colorado and Colorado Common Cause.

Video posted to Twitter by Erica Cano showed people running out of a building with their hands up.

Other buildings were locked down, and people were asked to stay away from the area, Fox 31 reported.

Williams said he believed the shooting happened on the second floor.


Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze said Mickey Russell was banned from the airport because he made threats about flying an airplane into a building.

Denver Shooting