
Should the UK launch air strikes in Syria?

David Cameron has announced that a vote on air strikes in Syria will take on place on Wednesday.


“His belief is that we can get rid of Isil by bombing them”.

Mr Cameron set out his strategy as a direct response to a highly-critical assessment by the Foreign Affairs Select Committee but it voted by four to three that he “has not adequately addressed concerns” in key areas.

2013, the British House of Commons had said no now the MPS vote again on air strikes in Syria. As Jeremy Corbyn has made clear, parliament needs more time to make a considered decision on whether air strikes can take place.

Corbyn argued that Cameron’s case did not meet his party’s demands.

Sheffield Hillsborough and Brightside MP Harry Harpham, as well as Sheffield Heeley MP Louise Haigh and Wentworth and Dearne MP John Healey, have confirmed they will vote against the move. This is being aided and abetted by Corbyn’s office.

“You should not be walking through the lobbies with Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathisers”, Cameron said.

“I have heard it all before and seen the outcomes first hand”. So, consider Mr. Cameron certain. “I want to win this on the basis of Conservative votes”.

Air strikes could begin within days.

It is claimed that the email has been sent to other MPs as well. It is expected that the government’s motion will pass with support from a number of Labour MPs, though the vote is likely to be tight with many on the Labour benches still unconvinced.

Steve McCabe (Lab Selly Oak) said: “I am not 100 per cent decided but I am considering voting against”. He said: “People have put deep thought and a lot of anguish into this decision and are taking a very principled stance”.

“In my view we can not outsource our defence to other countries”.

Speaking on BBC Radio at lunchtime yesterday, Mr Corbyn singled out Mr Benn and said that his position on air strikes would mean innocent people losing their lives. My reply to him and everybody else that supports bombing: when you bomb a town like Raqqa-where there are several hundred thousand people living there, who may or may not wish to be under Isil control, indeed many are trying to escape from there-we are going to kill people; we are going to kill people in their homes by our bombs.

Cameron “emotionally feels very strongly that he should support France in its time of need”, added Ben Barry of the International Institute for Strategic Studies think-tank.

The 12-point motion will, at the conclusion of the meeting, be voted on by MPs.

Earlier, MPs were told that all parliamentary business for today was being scrapped, including PMQs, to facilitate a 10-and-a-half hour debate on Syria.

While many in Labour fear more airstrikes will bring more instability to West Asia, some of the party’s leading members have said they are necessary to ensure Britain’s security.


While UK Government insiders estimated around 50 Labour MPs were backing airstrikes, the Opposition’s headquarters made clear it believed opinion was moving its way in opposing them.

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      Politics      UK to Bomb ISIS within 48 hours
       By News Desk