
Showrunner Bryan Fuller reveals the USS Discovery on its test flight

While we don’t have all of the answers yet, Fuller’s big confirmation is that the series will be set in the “Prime” Timeline, which is the in-universe timeline of the previous television series but not that of JJ Abrams’ new film series (which is designated as the “Kelvin” Timeline). Per arrangement with CBS Studios, the show’s episodes will be available within 24 hours after it has been released on CBS All Access, according to the Netflix press release.


“Star Trek” is expected to debut in January 2017 on CBS All Access, the streaming service of CBS network online.

“We’re in a time now where identity is under attack”, Deadline quotes Spiner. Will the Star Trek New Series encourage further expansion?

“Individuality should be celebrated”.

Executive producer Bryan Fuller revealed the name and ship to fans at the San Diego Comic-Con International event on Friday.

“We do have to celebrate a progression of our species because right now it feels like we need a little help, and there’s nothing like the guiding light that Gene Roddenberry left hanging in the sky”, said Fuller. Still, this might make a lot of fans who were complaining about the design of the new ship very happy.

The clip released Saturday during the Star Trek 50th anniversary panel at the San Diego Comic-Con, features the newly titled USS Discovery leaving a docking station as it blasts off into space. Modelled on an unused 1970s USS Enterprise design, the ship looks familiar and stunning. Gone are the traditional slender body and distinct warp drive nacelles; in comes a flat, triangular lower body that, probably not coincidentally, looks an terrible lot like the Star Trek insignia. The concepts of the ship are totally what we’re going for and they’ll be honed up until, I think, the day we deliver.


Additional details will emerge soon, but what should we expect from the new streaming Star Trek: Discovery?

Image CBS