
Sickening video of bully tormenting teenage girl being investigated by Police

The young girl is also dragged by her hair.


A 15-year-old girl has been charged after an horrific video was posted online showing a young girl being brutally attacked in front of a crowd of schoolchildren.

After that, she drags the girl around a corner by her hair – followed by the crowd – before pinning her to the ground and repeatedly slamming her head against the pavement.

The video was shared widely on Facebook and viewers were left horrified by the attack.

The three-and-a-half minute video – which has already been viewed more than 6million times – then shows her screaming abuse at the girl and punching her.

The victim, who is reportedly 13-years-old, can be seen trying to protect her face with her arms as her tormenter continues to land powerful punches and kicks to her head.

Chants of “fight, fight, fight” can be heard at one stage, and a girl asks “are you not going to fight back?”.

Although the reasons for the assault still remain unclear, in the video, the attacker reportedly claims that it was retribution for the victim’s father making an anonymous allegation to police about her own father.

“The incident was reported to police on Sunday, August 16”.


Officer say a report will be submitted to the children’s reporter. Download it today and continue to enjoy STV News wherever you are.

The girl cowers with her back to a wall as the larger 15-year-old kicks and punches her in the face