
Siena poll finds NY to likely remain blue in 2016

In the past, Trump has said Bill Clinton’s past affairs are fair game for criticism of his wife, Hillary. The Democrats numbers are 43 percent for Hillary and 26 percent for Bernie Sanders. Opponents Cruz and Marco Rubio each have 16 percent of New York State Republicans. Rubio has been performing well in national polling as well and went under attack at Saturday’s debate in New Hampshire. “For upstate Republicans, this is a barnburner with Trump at 24 percent, followed by Cruz with 20 percent, (New Jersey Gov. Chris) Christie at 18 percent and Rubio with 17 percent”.


Ben Carson continued his decline, falling another 5 points since the last poll where he experienced a 10-point fall from the first poll in November.

While this is just a single poll of registered voters out of an institution that doesn’t release that many polls, the numbers do show a big dive for Trump’s popularity in the state.

None of the candidates have an edge among male or female voters, but Trump leads among Boomers and Seniors – the largest voting block – by four to nine points which is helping him maintain his lead. Trump also identified fellow GOP candidate Jeb Bush as a “loser”, which coincidentally was exactly how the former Florida Governor identified Trump yesterday during the same game on Morning Joe.

When matched in a head-to-head race, the Democratic candidates outpaced each of the Republican candidates, including Trump. Then again, polls of registered voters are more likely to find undecided voters than polls of likely voters.

Siena polled 935 voters in the state between January 31 and February 3, including 434 Democrats and 235 Republicans.


New York’s presidential primary is set for April 19 – one of three sets of primary elections slated to take place in the state this year.

Hillary Clinton took the MSNBC on Saturday to share her thoughts about the crisis in Flint Michigan. Clinton focused and poverty and racial disparity of those impacted by the water crisis. She mourned the fact that Flint resident's voices were