
Signs of benevolence amid sales of tickets for pope’s visit

Bishop McManus is scheduled to pray and concelebrate Mass with Pope Francis in Washington, D.C., and later meet with Worcester diocesan pilgrims in Philadelphia during the Holy Father’s visit to the United States next week.


“And he said, ‘So, do you want to go see the pope?’ And I was like, ‘Are you kidding?”

With his highly anticipated trip to Philadelphia a few days away, Pope Francis sent a personal invitation to pilgrims all around the world and the city of Brotherly Love.

“It nearly seemed like Pope Francis was coming here to celebrate with us”, said Ms. Kaniecki.

Indiana created the “AMOR” sculpture in 1998 as a nod to changing demographics.

She and her husband are both volunteering and will be helping direct people on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway – which will be the location of a Papal Mass on September 27.

For her, the reason to be a part of the historic visit is simple. They include music festivals, all-night vigils, workshops, movie screenings, panel events and prayer Masses.

“It’s a great representation of the church…”, Dauses said. “Many in this generation are inspired to see in the Pope a reflection of some of their own deepest concerns and desires, including his compassion for refugees and the poor, his desire to show God’s mercy to those who are alienated from their faith, and his concern for the stewardship of God’s creation”.

“This is one of the largest bus movements I’ve ever had except Gerry McNamara”, he said, referring to the Scranton-born Syracuse University basketball star’s game against Villanova University in 2006.

On Friday, Pope Francis will attend a session of the United Nations General-Assembly and a multi-religious service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center.

“We had every iPad and cellphone out”, she said.

About a week and a half ago, Dauses and six of her high school students huddled in her office for hours to get tickets to the Philadelphia Mass online.

St. Mary’s will have the entire student body in its hall to watch the pope’s address to Congress Thursday morning.


Local parishes, ministries and other groups are also hosting events during the week in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. “This is a big deal”. Each time, he was a member of the media team for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

WATCH 'See You In Philadelphia,&#039 Pope Says