
Signs point to Russia in DNC hack

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said the organization may release additional documents related to the USA presidential elections following the dissemination of roughly 20,000 e-mails from the Democratic National Committee.


President Barack Obama said found “plausible” the hypothesis of a Russian role in the hack in order to interfere in the USA presidential campaign and help Republican candidate Donald Trump. “He’s getting way too much influence…what I see is the DNC bending over backwards for Bernie, and Bernie is the worst person in the world to even be running in the Democratic Party because he’s not a Democrat”, one message says.

The Democratic Party has been reeling this week from an avalanche of controversy related to the release of emails, and now voicemails, by WikiLeaks.

The release came just days after Wikileaks’ release of internal Democratic National Committee emails forced the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and cast a pall over the whole convention.

It was not known which party official the woman was trying to reach.

Another caller questioned the DNC over its decision to allow Sanders to have Cornel West serve on the platform committee despite being outspoken against President Barack Obama. Gloria Allred also makes an appearance, calling about an unspecified scheduled phone call which she apparently was two minutes early for.

Former ambassador to Austria William Eacho left a message to get details on an invitation from Wasserman Schultz to attend a dinner with Obama.


The release follows more than 19,000 stolen DNC emails that WikiLeaks published on its website last week.

Demonstrators held signs outside the Democratic National Convention on Monday in Philadelphia. On Sunday Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would step down as DNC chairwoman at the end of the party's convention after thousands of internal DNC