
Sigourney Weaver has no love for Alien vs. Predator movies: ‘They stopped

She is best known as Ellen Ripley, the heroic, xenomorph-battling warrant officer of the doomed Nostromo spacecraft in 1979’s Alien, or perhaps as chain-smoking scientist Grace Augustine in 2009 box office megalith Avatar.


Speaking to the Radio Times recently, she said: “I love the fact that Neill’s fulfilling his childhood dream of what he hopes will be a popcorn movie, the Alien popcorn movie that he wanted, as a kid, to see”. Weaver said that Scott wanted to make another Alien sequel and was on board until he found out about Foxs plans and bailed. Initially, Ridley Scott had considered signing on to direct Alien 3, but news of Alien vs Predator caused Scott to back away from the third film. At present, Weaver has yet to sign up to revive her iconic role, but the actress spoke positively about Alien 5 in London yesterday, telling the Comic-Con crowd: “I’m so excited about Neill – because Neill is like you guys! While there’s still no script, cast or plot details, the movie appears imminent, with Blomkamp writing alongside the art: “#alien going very well. She might have been resurrected as a clone in “Alien Resurrection” but most of its viewers still haven’t forgiven David Fincher for what he did in the sequel.

The story of how Neill Blomkamp’s upcoming ALIEN sequel came into being is pretty awesome. The brothers Strausse were brought in for Aliens Vs Predator – Requiem, a film that was so darkly lit that we’re still struggling to recall just what went on.

Asked why the genre is so often overlooked for Academy Awards, she told Digital Spy: “I think part of it is the Academy is mostly people like me who are over a certain age and they’re still probably looking for the more conventional movie”. “As [Aliens director] Jim Cameron said, I think publicly, ‘Why would you want to do that?” Count Alien star Sigourney Weaver among them. Fans might actually get to see Ripley retire and live out her happy ever after: no woman or man deserves that more than she does, considering what she’s been through, the actress says with a smile.


“Well – it’s certainly something we’ve discussed”, she replied.

Ridley Scott's Alien