
Sigourney Weaver Is Still Talking About Neill Blomkamp’s ‘Alien’ Sequel

EW broke the news today that on Saturday, July 23, in infamous Hall H there will be an “Aliens” 30th Anniversary panel featuring the likes of James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, Paul Reiser, Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, Michael Biehn, Carrie Henn, and Producer Gale Ann Hurd.


Weaver looks forward to having the reunion among the movie’s fans.

“One of my great moments in life, frankly, was by the time we got to that line, the whole audience yelled it with Ripley”.

Weaver’s characterization sounds more in line with other tangled continuities, like the alternate universe Star Trek ” Abramsverse” reboot or the way Superman Returns eclipses Superman III and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

Aliens was a massive hit and an incredibly influential film.

This reunion will coincide with the release of an ALIENS 30th anniversary Blu-ray and Digital HD release on September 13th, with pre-order available at the Fox booth.

The Blu-ray set will come with collectible art cards featuring concept sketches by Cameron and a book featuring art from the Dark Horse Comics Aliens series. In addition to a new interview with Cameron, the release includes the original theatrical version and special edition, as well as extra scenes and a commentary track. And, somewhat inevitably, the conversation shifted to Neill Blomkamp’s delayed Alien 5 movie, which is set to be a direct follow-on from Aliens.

Apparently, his movie would disregard the plots of the largely unloved “Alien 3” and “Alien: Resurrection”, and plough its own furrow. Weaver described the new sequel as another direction that the Aliens franchise branches off.

Weaver will also be collaborating with Aliens director Cameron on a number of sequels to Avatar. “It was a milestone for myself and Gale because the film got seven Academy Award nominations….All of a sudden, we were playing in the big league”.


The film did receive Oscar nominations for original score, art direction, editing, sound, and best actress for Weaver.

'Aliens': Reunion At SDCC Will Have Sigourney Weaver And Other Cast Members For 30th Anniversary Event