
Silencing Hillary Clinton Won’t Get #BlackLivesMatter’s Groove Back

Protesters at right interrupt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton as she speaks during a campaign event at Clark Atlanta in Atlanta, University Friday, October 30, 2015.


But those demonstrators are unlikely to sway Clintons electoral fate as much as voters such as Blondean Greene and Amber Jones, who best reflect the Democratic front-runners strengths and weaknesses with the partys most loyal electorate. Clinton hasn’t detailed how her idea would go beyond existing law, but her campaign cited previous congressional proposals that would make it easier for alleged profiling victims to recover damages from government agencies in civil court.

“We have to come together as a nation”. After walking off stage Clinton was met by LaDavia Drane her director of African American Outreach.

Despite language that shows that Clinton is getting the activist’s message on racial justice issues, Marie and other activists were hesitant to throw their full support behind the Democratic front-runner.

Speaking with Don Lemon on Friday, Beckel was discussing the group’s hijacking of a Hillary Clinton event and said he couldn’t understand why the perennially offended group would attack an ally like Clinton.

And a few African Americans have not forgiven the couple for statements they made in 2008, during Hillary Clintons hard-fought primary battle with Obama, that were interpreted as racially insensitive or that seemed to suggest black voters owed a political debt to the Clintons.

But Christie quickly fired back tweeting: ‘Can’t read the article because I don’t have a subscription, but I can tell you this – I am not going anywhere’. We’ve seen what Hillary Clinton did today. They’ve also managed to pressure Hillary’s chief rival into a competition for Most Comprehensive Racial Justice Policies (a competition that Hillary is winning).

Clinton, who had arrived to detail her campaign’s latest criminal justice reform proposals, briefly acknowledged the protesters, saying: “Yes, they do”.

Cullors called for a specific focus on how police brutality and mass incarceration impact Black gay and straight women and the black transgender community. According to the Washington Post, both the Democratic and Republican National Committees said they would support a town hall to address issues important to the activists but declined to alter their formal debate schedule. Disrupting a rally because the likely next President of the United States isn’t being quite granular enough in her sweeping and ambitious racial justice agenda is the White People Problem of black people problems.

The U.S. Congress in 2010 passed a law, signed by President Barack Obama, that reduced the sentencing-length disparity for crack versus powder cocaine offenses from a ratio of 100-1 to 18-1.


“Legislation that enabled broken windows policing, school to prison incarceration, racial profiling, school resource segregation, and mandatory minimum sentencing can not end through rhetoric”, states the release.

Hillary Heckled