
Singapore celebrates 50th anniversary of independence

Communal tensions eventually led to racial riots in July and September 1964. There were fears that ethnic ties, fraught and fragile, might fray, or worse, flare up in violence.


“At 50 years, as we stand…”

At this time, Singapore is among the many 5 costliest cities on the earth. Tickets for the parade and its rehearsals run out every year. This weekend, families braved the rains to watch the dazzling display of aerial acrobatics by the country’s very own Black Knights.

Lee Kuan Yew’s daughter reveals that the Singapore’s founding leader, shattered by the death of his wife, asked his doctors about the possibility of euthanasia in his final years.

“He said: ‘We will set an example”. Everyone will have his place, equal: language, culture, religion.’. Similarly, by instilling an ethos of pride among its civil servants and, more importantly, rewarding them with pay and benefits roughly equivalent to those in the private sector, Mr. Lee created an honest civil service dedicated to building the new nation rather than one that lined its own pockets. And what a journey it has been.

“I have no doubt that Singapore’s future is in good hands”, he said, pointing to how the late Lee has groomed good younger leaders to keep the country running smoothly after him, how the government is working on new drivers of economic growth, and how Singapore boasts a strategic location at the confluence of major sea and air routes of the world. After them, younger generations picked up the baton and took Singapore further…

Singapore’s birth as a nation state came on August 9, 1965, when it was ejected from the Malaysian federation following a stormy two-year union.

The Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) posted a National Day message on their Facebook page, emphasising the need for everyone to be able to “enjoy the fruits of our labour in a fair and just manner”. The same day, the Republic of Singapore Independence Act was signed and Singapore was established as an independent and sovereign republic.

It was the culmination of more than seven months of celebratory activities that began with the Marina Bay Singapore Countdown on 31 December a year ago.

Similarly, around the world, the little red dot is no longer viewed as an economic and political non-starter.

Some companies are desperate to capitalize on the marketing potential of Singapore’s half century.

Political analysts expect Lee’s party to win more votes this time, in part thanks to the patriotism and feelgood factor of the anniversary celebrations but also the government’s efforts to address issues irking the public.

“It was here in 1958 that Majulah Singapura was first performed”. We value and look forward to expanding our partnership and strengthening our bonds of friendship with Singapore for the next 50 years and beyond.


Singaporeans are also being asked to join together in reciting the national pledge and singing the national anthem.

Singapore turns 50 hailing achievements, heeding discontent