
Singapore confirms another 26 locally transmitted Zika cases; total now at 82

Zika infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly, which is a sign of incomplete brain development.


Zika, which has been detected in 58 countries and particularly Brazil, causes only mild symptoms for most people, such as fever and a rash.

The Singapore government, through its Ministry of Health (MOH), has recently confirmed 41 Zika virus cases.

The new advice on the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Smart Traveller website advises: “All travellers should protect themselves from mosquito bites”. Those returning from the country should avoid pregnancy for two months.

“If you have tested positive for Zika, inform the Philippine Embassy immediately (6737-3977 or 9072-2797) so that the Embassy can render appropriate assistance”, Jose said.

The UK government has also advised women who are pregnant or planning to conceive to discuss their travel plans with their doctor before travelling to Singapore.

Meanwhile, Singapore’s Tourism Board said Singapore remained a “safe travel destination”.

The outbreak come as the tourism industry in one of the world’s busiest travel hubs already faces weak global economic growth. In the first half of this year, tourism arrivals topped 8 million, around 1 million more than a year earlier.

This brings the total number of local transmissions to 82, three days after a Malaysian woman living and working in Aljunied was identified as the first known case of a person being infected locally.


Neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia have stepped up protective measures, introducing thermal scanners at airports and border checkpoints with the island state. FairPrice supermarkets and Watsons pharmacies said their sales of such products had doubled. “He actually gives me some brands that are appropriate for pregnant women”, Expectant mother Faizah said. The foreign ministry directed queries to the health ministry, which did not respond to Reuters questions on the issue. Officials sprayed insecticide in the area and removed any potential breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes, such as stagnant water or moist dirt in abandoned drains. NEA has also served notices on more than 400 inaccessible premises in the cluster. The authorities will proceed with forced entry if the owners do not comply, it said.

Mosquito sucking blood on a human hand