
Single mum drags up for ‘Donuts with Dad’

Yvette Vasquez, from Fort Worth, Texas, was dropping her son off at school and noticed an event taking place. Then she and Elijah went back to school and ate donuts with the other students and their dads.


Much to Vasquez’s surprise, Elijah was totally on board with the idea, telling her, “We got 10 minutes before the bell rings!”

However, not only did most of the fathers there applaud her courage, but her Facebook photos with the hashtags #WeGettingThemDonuts and #ILoveHim became an instant hit with parents everywhere.

But Elijah never bothered mentioning it, because Yevette is a single mom.

Vasquez told BuzzFeed, “I thought for sure he would be embarrassed or ashamed, but he wanted to go all the way”, Vasquez said.

“I asked him, ‘What’s going on?”

“I told him, ‘How come you didn’t tell me?’ and joked I could’ve dressed up as a man for him”. While there are many difficult things about single parenting, Vasquez told ABC News the hardest part is worrying her son will miss out on the father-son stuff.

“When we walked into the library, there were a whole bunch of men, and a lot of them were cheering”, Vasquez told ABC News.

“I’ve seen a lot of parents saying they should take this day away, but that’s fighting fire with fire”, Vasquez told BuzzFeed.

Ms Vasquez’s initial Facebook post has been shared thousands of times.

Sue Crouch Intermediate School also hold a “Muffins for moms” event, when Vasquez can leave the mustache at home.. So she’s willing to do anything to put a smile on his face.


“My three boys are my loves, and I hope I can raise them to be unbelievable men, fathers and husbands even without a father figure example for them”, she said.

Yevette Vasquez did not wanter her son to feel left out at the “Donuts with Dad” event at school