
Sinkhole swallowed a huge truck in a single attempt

It was a terrifying moment for the lorry driver after realizing that his truck was getting pulled back and soon the truck was swallowed by a huge sinkhole.


According to the report, the 35 year old truck driver, Li Hung, was driving in Nanning City, China, when he realized that his lorry was slipping backwards.

He just opened the door and jumped out of it before the sinkhole swallowed the truck into it.

He later said in a talk “It almost felt as if I hadn’t put the brake on and I had started to roll downhill, but I had my foot on the brake and I realize that I was tipping back not because I was moving, but because of the sinking”.

The officials are investigating the cause of incident.


Sinkhole swallowed a huge truck in a single attempt