
Sir Vince Predicts an ‘Avalanche’ of Labour MPs Defecting to Lib Dems

While Labour have said they now want to strip Government support for businesses and the Tories focus on giving tax cuts to giant corporations, we want to focus on entrepreneurs and small business seeking to grow.


Britain’s new opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn faces a revolt over air strikes on Syria, nine days after the left-winger was elected on a platform that opposed military intervention in the region.

He added: “Because there is a place in British politics for tolerance, reason and compassion, because – as dawn follows the darkest hour – there is now space… for a great fightback by the most resilient political party of our times, the Liberal Democrats”.

Refusing to go into details about the conversations he had with Labour MPs, he said: “When all is said and done, it’s not fair that I put those people under pressure”.

Mc Donnell apologised for the remark on BBC Question Time on Thursday, saying: “I accept it was a mistake to use those words, but actually if it contributed towards saving one life, or preventing someone else being maimed it was worth doing, because we did hold on to the peace process”.

Asked if he could serve in the shadow cabinet if the party voted to leave North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and get rid of Trident, he replied: “I don’t think that is going to happen”.

As a friend of mine said, as well as Labour members and registered supporters, there ought to be a new category for people who are party members but not supporters.

“I’m hopeful that we would find amongst the Labour Party some people who take the kind of humanitarian lead we have on the refugee crisis, I hope that would be the case”. The Labour Party has been taken over by the hard left, which ought to be a huge opportunity for a party of the centre.

Nick Clegg today predicted the Liberal Democrats would be “comeback kids” in an emotional first speech to the party faithful since their crushing election defeat.

The Liberal Democrat, who lost his seat in May, said Labour’s new leader was “completely unelectable” and the Conservatives “will slaughter them”.

“And unless it is in some way effectively unified, the Tories will just have a monopoly on power”.

“But I think that applies to people who think and believe very different things”.

Which of those are not Labour Party aims and values? Just before addressing the party’s conference in Bournemouth, Sir Vince alleged that “moderate, middle of the road” Labour politicians were now in “a awful position” following Mr Corbyn’s victory.

He said: “The economic policies with which Jeremy Corbyn has been campaigning are absolutely nonsensical and have no credibility at all”.

“It shows we are able to work together as leaders of the respective Labour parties in the United Kingdom “.


By this we mean the rigmarole of the MPs shouting, laughing and taunting each other across the dispatch box while debating often very serious issues.

Natalie Bennett Leader of the Green Party