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Apple’s iOS 10 will be released to all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users this fall, while its developer preview is now available.


At its annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday, the tech giant also said it would bring Siri and Apple Pay to Mac computers; Siri and emojis to the iMessage platform; and revamp its Watch operating system and Music app. The main features of IOS 10 are Wake-up notifications and iMassage, New updated a map, Additional widgets, customize music, extended the use of Siri, photos memories save, deleting the default app and Emoji added in a text.

In order to remove default apps from your Home screen, you will obviously need to have the latest operating system installed on your device. In addition, notifications will also support intent-based actions in tandem with the new SiriKit API.

To unlock the screen, Apple used to unlock its devices by swiping on the lock screen from left to right with the statement “Slide to Unlock”.

The iOS 10 is filled with major upgrades to help users get a fuller experience with their devices.

Although the devices with A5 chip received the iOS 9 update released a year ago, the new software is far too demanding for it to handle. But Wait! Don’t forget to take back up your data before you install iOS 10 on any device. Apart from the usual changes that we have already talked about here, Reddit users have been reporting that after updating to the iOS 10 beta the internal storage has been increased.

Note: You will not be able to remove apps like News, Messages, Photos, Camera, Clock, Health, Phone, Safari, Settings, and Wallet apps from the home screen by now, but soon you can with next builds.


Also, iOS 10 opens up incredible opportunities to developers with Siri, Maps, Phone and Messages. I can finally stop cramming all those useless apps into my overlooked Utilities folder.

Apple iOS 10 Release Date, Compatible Devices, Beta Download