
Sit-in by House Democrats ends

Ryan said, holding up printed-out emails from Democrats soliciting donations.


Again Democrats promise to pick up the gun control fight when the house comes back from the holiday recess on July 5.

That’s when House democrats took over the floor demanding action on gun control.

Republicans called the protest a “publicity stunt”.

Collins’ plan did clear one procedural hurdle in voting on Thursday by collecting a slim majority of the Senate – 52 votes – against an attempt to outright kill it. After the best the House could do in the wake of 50 murders in Orlando was a moment of silence, Democrats decided to make a brazen and vivid point that “silence” is exactly the problem with the federal government on gun issues – silence bought by the National Rifle Association.

“It’s very simple, if you’re not supposed to be on a plane – no fly, no buy”. He loaded it onto his phone on the House floor and was one of the first members streaming.

It’s hard to get the ACLU and NRA to agree on much of anything, but they both oppose the terror watch list bill on constitutional grounds. Are we blind? Can we see?.Give us a vote. Ryan also sharply criticized fundraising efforts launched by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee during the sit-in. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, who led a 15-hour Senate filibuster last week on gun control, and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada. Following the worst mass shooting in USA history, senators from each party introduced the measures they said would have strengthened background checks and prevented suspected terrorists from obtaining weapons, but failed to cross the 60-vote threshold needed to advance.

“We’re going to win this struggle”, Lewis added. “And that’s what the Speaker and the Republican leadership are denying, this Congress and the American people, and we have to put a stop to it!” House Republicans turned the cameras in the chamber off for much of Wednesday and Thursday because Ryan said Democrats were breaking House rules. Lewis was active in America’s civil rights movement, and took part in non-violent sit-in protests half a century ago. But angry Democrats demanded that the House vote on gun-control bills before it closed for Independence Day. John Lewis marched, sat down and was beaten in pursuit of fundamental change, in pursuit of civil rights.


The House of Representatives was supposed to suspend work this week until after the Fourth of July, a USA government holiday.

Democrats End Marathon Sit-In as Ryan Rejects Calls for Gun Vote