
‘Sit With Us’ app finds lunch buddies for lonely children

The app, called Sit With Us, recruits students who volunteer as ambassadors to invite others to join them for lunch.


Teenager Natalie Hampton experienced this in middle school after numerous days of eating lunch alone.

The Daily Dot hasn’t heard back from our request for comment from Sit With Us, but in the meantime, we realized apps could have solved a lot of middle school problems. This way, only people who are seatless themselves or actively looking to help will know you’re in need. When you walk into the lunchroom and you see all the tables of everyone sitting there and you know that going up to them would only end in rejection, you feel extremely alone and extremely isolated, and your stomach drops.

Hampton added that she wanted to create something that “would address bullying, but in a positive way”. And as more high schoolers get on it, friendships could form between people who never would’ve met otherwise. She says the app is private, so no one has to know.

Hampton said the new app is especially helpful because the electronic process prevents children from being publicly rejected and being considered social outcasts by their peers. No one else has to know.

Sixteen-year-old Natalie Hampton from Sherman Oaks, CA, created and, on September 9, launched an app called Sit With Us to help students who may have trouble finding a place to sit in the lunchroom join a group to eat with.


So your app launched [last] week. So I’m very excited that things are already kicking off with a great start.

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