
Skydiver becomes first man to jump 25000ft from plane without parachute

Aikins also admitted that he had almost had to cancel the jump because he was ordered to wear a parachute for safety and this would have made his landing more risky because of the extra weight.


On Saturday, history was created, or rather we should say highstory since he jumped 25,000 feet into a net without a parachute.

When Aikins hit the net he was traveling at almost 150 miles per hour, and at the last moment he had to flip over in order to land on his back.

To loud cheers, he climbed out of the net and hugged his wife and young son.

‘I’m nearly levitating, it’s incredible, ‘ the jubilant skydiver said, raising his hands over his head as his wife held Logan, who dozed in her arms.

“This thing just happened!”

“The words I want to say I can’t even get out of my mouth”, he told Fox Carolina.

Other jumps like this have been attempted before, but all of these have been done with a parachute in case it all goes horribly wrong.

When his friend Chris Talley came up with the idea two years ago, Aikins acknowledged he turned it down cold.

If the Guild had continued with its requirement he said he would have called it off as the parachute container he would have had to wear would have made his landing more risky. “The guys wrapping me up and helping me do this, it was awesome”.


“Luke Skydiver” fell for about two minutes, during which he had to adjust his body using only the air currents around him. His business Para Tactics provides skydiving training to Navy Seals and other members of elite fighting forces.

Skydiver Luke Aikins inset smiles as he free falls in a practice jump in preparation for his historic leap