
Skyrim remastered to be announced at E3

The well established site reports that Bethesda‘s E3 conference, which takes place this Sunday, will unveil a fully fledged remaster for the popular action RPG that was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011. Adding that it will include all DLC, improved graphics, and support for mods. Shinobi602 did not explicitly name Skyrim, but Enter the Dragon Punch, another insider and NeoGAF member, later also chimed in saying it is indeed a Skyrim remaster.


A Bethesda remaster of some sort was originally touted by Shinobi602, whose claim earlier this year that Horizon: Zero Dawn had been delayed was proved correct yesterday.

Eurogamer corroborated the rumour interdependently, and revealed that we’re in store for more than a re-release.

Wolfenstein 2 and Prey 2 are also rumoured to be on the cards.

They also say The Evil Within 2 will be announced, the TSA staff were discussing the possibility of the sequel just last night as Tango Gameworks have done nothing since the original The Evil Within.

“Prey 2 is thought to be completely different to the Human Head-developed Prey 2 we previewed in 2011”.


Officially, the only new game Bethesda has on its schedule at the moment is Dishonored 2, which is out this year and clearly not enough to sustain a two-hour long pre-E3 press conference.
