
SLU students headed to Washington D.C. to see Pope Francis

Joking about doubts in some quarters over whether he is truly Catholic, he said, “If I have to recite the Creed, I’m ready”. The cardinal’s solution was “a concern for life at all stages and in all conditions”, he said. “This has been a hallmark of Pope Francis even before he arrived in the Vatican”.


He pointed to the pope’s frequent denunciations of a “throwaway culture”.

In this Monday, September 21, 2015 photo, residents wait for Pope Francis aboard the popemobile, on his way to the Hill of the Cross in Holguin, Cuba.

Not all of Francis’ efforts succeed. “Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion”, he wrote.

While Francis has been outspoken in debates like income inequality and climate change, the Catholic Church’s doctrine has fundamentally remained the same since he was elected to the papacy in 2013. They prioritized drawing clearer boundaries for Catholic behavior and belief in the face of legalized abortion, advances in gay rights and the exodus of so many Westerners from organized religion. He’s done this before, but it would have special resonance if he were to do it, for example, in his speech before Congress in part because the Obama administration seems to be reluctant talking narrowly and specifically about what Christians in particular are facing.

Social media posts show a group gathered to hear Sanders speak at a church.

But in a presidential race with a large field of candidates striving to differentiate themselves from one another, some vied to make their mark ahead of the pope’s six-day, three-city visit to the United States, which began Tuesday.

His decision to go from Cuba to the United States is weighed with symbolism as the pope pushes the Church to pay greater heed to people who live on the periphery since becoming pope in 2013. For me, it’s a spiritual pilgrimage: a chance to experience more deeply God’s unending love for each and every human person – particularly in our afflictions and in our failures.

Over North Carolina, the Alitalia jet transporting Pope Francis is reported to have circled several times before continuing its journey north to the nation’s capital.

The Argentina-born Francis largely avoided controversy during his visit to Cuba.

But the White House meeting may be one of the least important of the visit, said Stephen Schneck, director of the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America.

Francis greeted the kids before getting into his auto to travel to the White House for his meeting with President Barack Obama.


Bishop Murry was appointed by the pope as one of the US bishops to attend the Synod on the Family scheduled October 4-24 at the Vatican in Rome. So if there’s one theme to his visit, it’s likely to be him showing that he identifies with these nontraditional Catholics – the poor, the immigrants, the marginalized.

Pope Francis arrives in US, faces a polarized country