
Small businesses oppose raising minimum wage to $15 an hour

To sign into law the minimum wage of $15 an hour to give voice to the power and the fervor and the belief of all the people standing here and all the people they represent. Under a deal reached with state lawmakers last week, the state minimum wage will rise to $10.50 on January 1 for businesses with 26 or more employees.


There will be a rally at the state house on April 14th to advocate for the minimum wage. Smaller companies will have another year to raise their minimum to $15 if they have fewer than 26 employees. In California and NY, plans were put into motion this week to raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour.

Labor costs just shot way up in the states of California and NY. Experts say other states may follow, given Congress’ reluctance to act despite entreaties from President Barack Obama.

While it was a victory for those struggling on the margins of the economy and the politically powerful unions that pushed it, business groups warned that the higher wage could cost thousands of jobs as employers are forced to provide steadily bigger paychecks.

Minimum wages are required to be paid only by those businesses that remain in business.

“Minimum-wage workers should not be excited about this wage hike”.

The bill was pushed through the Legislature by Democrats — who control both chambers — without a single Republican vote.

“Michaelann Bewsee, Director of Arise for Social Justice favors raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour”, It all seems impossible until it’s not, and I think the fight for $15 an hour is a movement whose time has come”, said Bewsee.

After that, the wage would be adjusted annually according to inflation with a maximum increase of 3.5% per year.


California already had one of the highest minimum wages in the country at $10 per hour, along with MA. Now the governor is urging a statewide increase.

A minimum wage rally last summer