
Smoke Outside Stadium-Armory Metro Station Closes Stations

Service on the DC Metro’s Orange, Silver and Blue lines has been disrupted Monday morning due to fire department activity at the Stadium-Armory stop, which is located in Southeast DC, according to WMATA. However, the power substation at Stadium-Armory is still offline.


Riders may experience residual delays as service ramps up to rush hour, Tolbert said.

The fire at a substation in the RFK Stadium parking lot led to delays for morning commuters and throughout the day. Until normal power conditions are restored, trains will operate at lower speeds through the area to reduce power draw. Fire department officials say officials from Metro worked closely with them. No smoke has been reported in Metro stations or tunnels.

“The fact that this happened on Monday the 21st matters just as much as if it were to have happened during the pope’s visit”, which begins tomorrow and lasts through Thursday, Stessel says.

UPDATE 11:20 a.m.: Blue Line: Trains now operating between Franconia-Springfield and Eastern Market stations.

Service was suspended between Eastern Market, Minnesota Avenue and Benning Road while crews dealt with the situation.


Buses were put in place between Eastern Market, Minnesota Ave and Benning Road.

UPDATE Metro Service Disruptions Reported on Blue Orange and Silver Lines