
Snoop Dogg lost a ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ question about weed

In case you somehow missed it, Snoop Dogg competed on Sunday night’s Celebrity Family Feud, facing off against Sugar Ray Leonard.


“Name something Grandma might do if she caught Grandpa smoking marijuana”, Harvey asked his two contestants.

There are barely the seconds to process the answer before Sugar Ray Leonard answers ” Scream at him”, and wins the round.

You can check out the entire exchange in the clip below. And so forevermore, we will remember this one fact: Sugar Ray Leonard is more knowledgeable about weed than Snoop Dogg.

For better or worse, this is a hipper, cruder “Feud” overseen by Steve Harvey.

Amusing enough, the actual answer as expressed by the Family Feud board was “Beat His Old Arse”.

Despite his love of the herb, Snoop had way faster hands than the former undisputed welterweight champion of the world.

To be fair, that is pretty close to his answer!

Snoop Dogg busted in Norway with… pot! Snoop’s family was later given another chance in the category, but they still failed to grab the points from the opposing family. When Steve said “Fill in the blank, ‘Pie in the…,’ Snoop replied with “horse”.


Watch him lose to Leonard in the video above.

Snoop Dogg Loses on Marijuana Question on Celebrity Family Feud