
Snow dumping in Cascades as more winter weather creeps in

The Kitsap Sun reports snow began falling in Seabeck Monday morning. Forecasters say lowland snow is possible Thursday night and Friday morning.


Heavy snow is expected in the Cascades of Pierce and Lewis counties as well, where as much as 2 feet of snow could accumulate, according to the weather service.

Some rain is also expected on parts of the Central Coast, while gusty winds in the mountains and deserts will be the weather issue for much of the rest of southwestern California.

A Winter Storm Warning will be posted from early Monday afternoon through 5 p.m. Tuesday for the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains and the Lower Clark Fork Region.

The snow level will be around 2000 feet with new snowfall between 6 to 11 inches, the NWS reported. The Seattle area could get a quarter- to half-inch of rain Monday, according to the Weather Service.

The winter storm warning in the Shoshone, Richfield and Carey areas is calling for up to eight inches of snow while the storm warning in the Burley, Minidoka, Heyburn and Rupert areas says up to four inches will fall in those communities.

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Snow will impact travel this week.

Lake Tahoe weather: Winter advisory Friday night; 5-10 inches of snow likely