
Snowden Released An INTENSE New Trailer At Comic-Con! WATCH HERE!

The biographical drama, which was produced by Moritz Borman, Eric Kopeloff and Philip Schulz-Deyle, is set to be released in theaters nationwide on September 16.


When asked about Alphabet Inc’s Google and Nintendo Co Ltd’s Pokemon GO app that has taken the world by storm, Stone said the phenomenon is “a new level of invasion”.

Quinto, of Star Trek and Heroes fame, replied: “I feel as long as you can find a balance in that, and limit your Pokémon Go time, then I’m all for it. Have at it”.

Snowden, who is living in exile in Russian Federation to avoid prosecution by the USA government on espionage charges for taking 1.7 million highly classified documents obtained as part of his job at the National Security Agency, released a paper he wrote with Andrew “Bunnie” Huang on the prototype.

Given the subject matter, the topic of privacy came up quickly, and Stone voiced an objection to the current hot trend for people running around playing Pokemon Go, and not because he’s having trouble finding a Mewtwo. “They’ve invested a huge amount of money in data mining what you are buying, what you like, your behaviour”.

Shailene Woodley poses for pictures alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt ahead of the Snowden panel during the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday (July 21) in San Diego, Calif.

“It’s what some people call surveillance capitalism”, the Oscar-winning director explained, adding “you’ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society”.

For instance, Pokemon GO initially required user’s to establish their game account through Google, allowing the app to access the user’s location data, email, and Internet browsing history. It’s the newest stage. “It’s what you call totalitarianism”. A United Kingdom date is yet to be announced, however.

The “introspection engine” is a pet project for Snowden, who told WIRED that he has not carried a smartphone since his famous leak of NSA information because he fears being tracked by the US government.

The phone-mounted battery case contains a measurement tool to constantly check on whether the handset’s internal antennae are sending signals.

It will include its very own CPU, separate from the phone’s processor in order to avoid it being infected by any malware from the phone itself.


Based on the preliminary drawings of what the case will look like, a simple digital screen at the back of the phone will display if there is a signal transmitting, and both Snowden and Huang describing the case as an “introspection engine”.

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