
Snowden To Live Stream From His Exile In Moscow

Pokemon GO may seem a long way from the spy networks of the US National Security Agency.


The director – who made iconic films like Platoon, JFK and Scarface – said: “It’s not amusing. Data mining every single person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what you like – above all, your behavior”.

Edward Snowden appeared at Comic-Con 2016 in San Diego via the internet from his home in Russian Federation.

It has also been blamed for a wave of crimes, traffic violations and other complaints in cities around the world. While talking about the importance of privacy in a seemingly heightened surveillance state, somehow the topic of Pokémon GO came up, to which Stone had some unkind things to say about the hit mobile game.

Time quoted the director saying, “The profits are enormous here for places like Google”. It’s the newest stage, ‘ he said.

‘You’ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society, where they will know how you want to behave and they will make the mock-up that matches how you behave and feed you.

“That is what they call Totalitarianism”.

Snowden appeared live from Moscow via Google Hangouts Thursday night at Comic-Con following the first public screening of Stone’s film, Snowden, to answer audience questions and interact with the cast, including star Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

The film follows Snowden’s discovery of the USA government’s mass surveillance programs that digitally monitor unaware citizens. A United Kingdom date is yet to be announced, however.

The director Oliver Stone got a rare chance to talk to whistleblower Edward Snowden in front of an audience at a Q&A session on Thursday evening, and in so doing, compared Snowden’s anxiety over his own appearance in the film to another amateur actor who was cut from one of his films six years before.

The device – a plastic case created to slide over an Apple iPhone 6 – will monitor the phone’s antennae to detect any incoming or outgoing signals from the cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, or NFC radio chips.

Edward Snowden has designed an iPhone case that can detect data snooping.

The device is being created with the help of researcher Andrew Huang and was revealed at an event at the MIT Media Lab in the US.


The case will also include a small screen to keep the user up to date with anything that the phone is transmitting.

Oliver Stone poses during the 61st San Sebastian Film Festival on Sept. 24 2013 in San Sebastian Spain.         
                                     Rafa Rivas