
So Far, PS4 Is The Most Popular Platform For Battlefront

One area which multiplayer games do lack at times recently is one area which shouldn’t be missing at all in “Star Wars: Battlefront”, and there’s also one reason why-Walker Assault.


The alleged marketing plan emerged when Benjamin Burnley of Breaking Benjamin called out EA for trying to pay him to say positive things about Star Wars: Battlefront.

For comparison, here’s the scene it’s directly referencing. Of course, instead of bonking players over the head with the hidden trinkets, Star Wars Battlefront designers have made sure that the location of each reference is subtle, requiring fans to stay on their toes to spot them. Given how popular DICE’s Battlefield games are on the platform, many assumed that its popularity would carry over to Battlefront…apparently, that’s not happening.

It’s jut a pity the general consensus seems to suggest that when it comes down too it, the actual experience is hollow and boring after a dozen hours.

Star Wars Battlefront is out now.


Until then, take a look at the images and see what you think. It’s chaos. You fly around in your Tie fighter or X-Wing (who would want to fly an A-Wing, anyway?) as the sky around you is filled with enemies and friendlies alike. This could be a factor in the PlayStation 4’s lead. These two moments perfectly sum up what Star Wars Battlefront is: handsome, but so, so frustrating. Fortunately, for the most part, “Battlefront” plays just fine. The objective is usually to take out as many of them as you can while searching for tokens that unlock powerups like new weapons and certain special abilities. It’s pure Star Wars entertainment, brought over in a new way. There’s also an added bonus at the end that might save you some money. Players get to choose between the Empire or the Rebel Alliance and battle it out on different terrains on different planets. Like the single-player mode, it’s just a lot of running around and shooting with very little strategy involved. While they by no means ruin the game, they’re still hindrances to an otherwise great play experience.

Star Wars Battlefront- Review