
So, Was Trump’s Fallon Appearance Actually ‘HUUUUUGE’?

“No, we look fantastic”, the real Trump replies.


Trump has been giving comedians like Fallon plenty of material to work with ever since he entered the race in June.

“Me interviewing me?” Trump said to Fallon (who was sporting a Trump wig and some spot-on impressions of Trump’s hand gestures and facial movements). “But let’s be honest, Fallon’s a lightweight”, he says to the mirror. I mean, Fallon being the softie he is, it’s not like we expected him to grill Trump on any controversial issues.

The more unsettling part comes during the short interview he has with Fallon. To his credit, he gave it the old college try by asking Trump how he was planning to build a wall between America and Mexico and how he’d create jobs.

Then, after Trump began discussing policy, Fallon said he wasn’t paying attention. I was looking at my lovely reflection.

“I’m like a Greek god who just took a bath in a pumpkin spice latte”. After the sketch when the host and Presidential candidate stepped out in front of the audience. “Look, it’s a BIG debate, but I’m always ready”.

“Vice president’s a serious job”, Trump noted. However, some of these appearance work better than others; while Trumps appearance on The Tonight Show mostly gets the laughs it aims for, Senator Ted Cruzs recent attempt to “audition for The Simpsons” fell horrifyingly flat.

“No, no, I don’t do that”.

“I’m blessed with a great memory”, Trump explained.

Fallon also addressed Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and asked Trumped how he felt about his Democratic opponent. I’ve never seen anything like it.

“Honestly”, Trump beamed, “it happens to be 100 per cent true”.

“I fully think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong”, Trump said. “If you’re not wrong …”

And he added that he would “absolutely apologize sometime in the hopefully distant future but first I have to be wrong”. After one lengthy answer about how much he’s winning, Fallon was so perplexed he responded, “What question did I ask?”

During a visit to NBC’s “Tonight Show” on Friday, Trump said “I like people that are nice to me”, raising the question of why he agreed to appear with host Jimmy Fallon.


Trump said he thinks about the “strength” and “resilience” of New York City and how the city and country “came back”.

Donald Trump and Jimmy Fallon