
So what do Mexicans south of the border make of Donald Trump?

But he claimed a “great relationship” with Hispanics, even as he faced criticism for painting Mexican illegal aliens as criminals.


Several Republican strategists said Walker and Texas Senator Ted Cruz have the most to lose by taking on Trump since they are courting numerous same conservative voters who have responded to Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric. “Hispanics are going to get those jobs, and they’re going to love Trump, and they already do”.

Trump added that the GOP should develop better policies “with respect to people wanting to be wonderful, productive citizens of this country”. Campaigning in Gorham, N.H., former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush offered a distinctly different message in the immigration debate – and spoke partly in Spanish.

“A Republican will never be elected president of the United States again unless we campaign like this”, Bush said, gesturing with open arms.

Now that businessman and reality television host Donald Trump wants to be president of the USA we’re getting to hear a lot more of him.

Donald Trump’s plans to meet with a union of Border Patrol agents while he was in Laredo fell through Thursday.

If he survives the first three months of mass media drubbing him and his notorious affliction of ‘leaving no impulsive opinion behind, ‘ he’s going to be trouble for the other fifteen or so Republican presidential candidates.

He said the offensive statement during his announcement of his presidential candidacy. “I love what he’s gonna be doing”, she said, in contrast to other Latinos gathered in Laredo, Texas, to protest Trump. Yet, paradoxically, he’s praised globalization for tearing down barriers to global markets. His visit drew very strong reaction from residents of Laredo, who majority are Hispanic. “He is a racist”. Perry is waging a one-man war on Donald Trump?s credibility, calling the bombastic billionaire?a cancer on conservatism.?

“In an interview, Hillary Clinton said she likes almost every flavor of ice cream”. Despite the danger and amidst protesters, Trump tells reporters after stepping off his private plane in Laredo, Texas, that he is great danger by touring the Mexican boarders but he had to do it. John McCain’s experience as a tortured prisoner in the Vietnam War.

Rick Perry said Trump and his brand of controversial campaign strategy could eventually be bad for the Republican Party. Establishment Republicans ignore them at their own peril. He placed the fault at the feed of the state’s former governor.

Addressing the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council, Walker took aim at the recent nuclear deal with Iran, saying he would trash it on his first day as president. But he became most animated on the agreement with Iran to ease sanctions in exchange for limits on the Islamic nation’s nuclear program. “He said what everybody’s thinking but is afraid to say out loud”.


Huckabee, meanwhile, lashed out at the U.S. Supreme Court for making same-sex marriage legal and warned about trade agreements that cost American jobs. The renewed focus on immigration has revealed a growing willingness among Republican presidential contenders to let immigrants living in the U.S. illegally remain here.

Trump Looms over First Republican Debate of Primary Race story image