
So who’s paying for Donald Trump’s wall again?

Trump apparently wasn’t fearless enough to discuss which country would pay for the wall during his recent trip to Mexico. He responded to Trump on Twitter by saying, “Repeating what I told you in person, Mexico will never pay for a wall”.


Welcome to 2016, when a head of state and a USA presidential candidate hash out their policy differences on Twitter.

Trump took a last-minute visit to Mexico on Wednesday to meet with the president of Mexico, whose people Trump regularly insults during the 2016 campaign.

However, soon after Trump’s speech, the Mexican president said they had not made any commitment to build and pay for the wall and they wouldn’t pay for it. Trump said there were around 2 million alien illegals in America who were involved in criminal activities across the country while carrying guns and other weapons.

President Enrique Peña Nieto received backlash for not standing up to Trump about the payment of the wall. That’ll be for a later date.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said no bueno on Twitter.

“Oh, there’s softening. Look, we do it in a very humane way, and we’re going to see with the people that are in the country”, said Trump in a radio interview hours after he outlined a 10-point immigration proposals at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday night.

But later, reports surfaced that Peña Nieto privately told Trump that Mexico would not pay for it. Aside from building the wall that incorporated the latest technology, he would deport illegal immigrants without engaging them in legal proceedings, suspend issuance of USA visas to countries without adequate screening, and initiate against the 23 countries that refuse to accept their own citizens after the U.S. deports them.

“Trade with Mexico has no measurable impact on US unemployment or USA wages, unlike trade with China”, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, one of the study authors, told the Wall Street Journal.


At the heart of his campaign promise is the idea that trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement – which he has called the “worst trade deal in history” – send a “tremendous” number of jobs overseas.

Donald Trump