
SodaStream Boss Blasts BDS – as Firm Quits West Bank

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday ordered the ambassador to the United Nations to take immediate actions aiming at absorbing displaced Palestinian refugees into the West Bank.


“SodaStream ought to have been inspired within the West Financial institution if (the BDS motion) really cared concerning the Palestinian individuals”, Birnbaum stated.

“I call on the government of Israel to act towards absorbing refugees from the fighting in Syria, on top of the humanitarian steps that are already being done”, said Isaac Herzog, the leader of the Labour party, the largest bloc in opposition in parliament.

Hundreds of Palestinian workers from the factory could lose their jobs in the company’s transition to a new plant in the Negev region because Israel will not grant them all work permits for security reasons.

For the BDS movement, SodaStream’s pullout from the West Bank was part of a domino effect that will see more companies sever interests to spare their bottom line. He stated it will proceed to focus on SodaStream as a result of its new manufacturing unit is situated in a space the place Israel has up to now proposed to resettle Bedouin Arabs.

“All the people who wanted to close [the West Bank factory] are mistaken”, Ali Jafar, a shift manager from a West Bank told the AP. Fayez Abu Hamdia lives at the scene and managed to bring them into his home, sheltering them from the mob that had gathered.

After years of growth SodaStream’s revenue dropped drastically in 2014 and its stock price continues to fall.

SodaStream has been at the center of a worldwide campaign calling for boycotting, divesting and sanctioning Israeli companies. But the so-called BDS movement declared victory and said its pressure was behind the decision.



The movement claimed that SodaStream discriminated against Palestinian workers and paid some less than Israeli workers.

The UE says it represents some 35,000 workers in a “wide variety of manufacturing public sector and private non-profit sector jobs.”