
Some Democrats fear Clinton’s message is failing

“I don’t represent corporate America; I never have”, Sanders told about 200 supporters at a barn in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on Tuesday morning. “I always thought that would be the case”, Clinton said.


(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik). Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Just two hours before the debate, Sanders rolled out a tax plan that would fund his Medicare-for-all proposal to scrap private health insurance entirely, replacing with a federally-run health program.

“That was a joke!” he bellowed. The Sanders campaign pounced on the fact that Priorities USA is partly funded by a $100,000 contribution from former Goldman Sachs exec Donald Mullen Jr.

“Their support for terrorism, the anti-American rhetoric that we’re hearing from some of their leadership is something that is unacceptable”, Sanders said. Moderators posed questions about the economy and Wall Street reform – issues central to Sanders’ campaign – more than any other topic.

“This is a woman that, from Day 1, I said, ‘If I ever do this, I have to get her support, ‘ ” he said. Singer Tracy Chapman’s “Talkin’ Bout a Revolution” is a favorite, as is the band Flogging Molly’s “Revolution”. Rand Paul (R-KY) are tied with 6 percent each.

Many of these staffers attend Clinton events and ask attendees to sign “Commit to Caucus” cards, placards that ask voters for details that ensure they can get in touch with them throughout the campaign.

Mr. Sanders’s critics in the Democratic Party reply that his ideas, while they might be popular with the base, are simply not achievable in a gridlocked Congress and amid political polarization in Washington.

It may not make sense, but, at this point, why should it? “Syria is on the doorstep of Israel – just among one of the things why it would be”.

Rogers, in contrast, cited one survey that didn’t even poll people who said they leaned Democrat and another that found Democrat support for Trump was only about one quarter of what it was among Republicans.

Gergen added that while some his peers in elite circles feel the country will be ruined if either candidate wins the election, he’s more optimistic.

But with the prospect of victory in the early states, Sanders is testing the limits of that latter pledge.

On Tuesday night, Sanders poked at Clinton’s speaking fees and defended his experience. “He later was forced to apologize for his lies about her”, said Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs.

In New Hampshire, Clinton is broadcasting an ad particularly targeted in the media markets of southern New Hampshire and suburban Boston where Scala said Clinton will need to motivate voters to win the primary. The good news is people are starting to realize the reason government does not work for them is because of this unholy alliance between the big money interests and the politicians.

And topics much more in Clinton’s wheelhouse, like foreign policy and health care, weren’t addressed as much.

Sanders’ campaign has responded to the critiques by questioning Clinton’s judgment and noting her 2002 vote for the Iraq War, something that then-Sen. He’s making an effort in SC in particular to reach out to black voters, hoping that like the crowds greeting him in snowy Iowa, they’ll see the rumpled socialist as their advocate.


“Everyone wants to say he is not Obama, he is not good-looking or charismatic or a great speaker like Obama, but there is a fraying of confidence toward traditional leaders and everyone is ignoring it and praying that it goes away”, Kofinis said. “For better or worse”.

South's voters wary of Bernie