
Some in MN GOP hope Trump’s speech upbeat, apologetic

Trump’s speech on the closing night of the Republican convention marks his highest-profile opportunity to unite his fractured Republican Party and quiet Americans’ concerns about his preparedness for the White House. In excerpts released before the speech, he pledges that as president he’ll end crime and violence around the country.


Trump is looking to win over skeptics in his party. Dr. Lisa Shin, who owns an optometry practice and is also Donald Trump supporter, will speak on Thursday. Ted Cruz, stopped far short of endorsing the nominee and drew loud boos.

The Texan senator finished a distant second to Mr Trump in the race for the nomination after a bitter and personal campaign, and mentioned the nominee only once in his speech at the national convention – and that was to congratulate him on winning the nomination.

He said that he would have wanted an endorsement but no one should be booed.

The convention has been focused on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton rather than any conservative principle.

Trump blames Clinton’s “bad instincts and her bad judgment” for causing “many of the disasters unfolding today”.

“Tonight is going to be the kickoff of Ted Cruz’s 2020 campaign”, said the Fox News commentator on Wednesday afternoon foreshadowing the speech which would take place hours later. Mr Trump accused Mr Cruz of breaking his promise.

Cruz’s response: the pledge was made null and void when Trump insulted his wife’s appearance on Twitter and suggested that his father was somehow connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Cruz criticized not only Trump but also the message of the broader Republican Party.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz said.

Not every country in Europe cared about Trump’s speech – Russian dailiesVedomosti, Kommersant and the English-language Moscow Times, among others, had no reports on Trump’s address. “You said that your word is your bond”, she said to cheers. Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine emerged as the leading contender, according to two Democrats familiar with the selection process, with an announcement expected as early as Friday.

The Democrats cautioned that Clinton has not made a final decision and could change his mind. She is set to be formally nominated at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia next week.

The last line of the speech included his traditional “Make America Great Again”. Speakers scheduled to appear before Trump’s grand finale include Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal; Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital; Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin; and Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University and a well-known evangelical leader.

Trump is to be introduced by his eldest daughter, Ivanka, one of his most polished and effective advocates.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed to help working class people who might feel abandoned.

One of the most outspoken critics of Senator Cruz, Senator Peter King from NY, also weighed in on the controversial speech. “They didn’t vote for him”, Collins told CNN.

In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance agreement was crystal clear: “We defend each other”.


Cleveland police say 17 people were arrested Wednesday following a chaotic protest near the arena hosting the convention.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump talks to his daughter Ivanka in the Trump family box at the conclusion of former rival candidate Sen. Ted Cruz's address during the third night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio on J