
Some New England lawmakers propose leaving Eastern Time

Just like allergies, college basketball and mud, another rite of spring is upon us: The start of Daylight Saving Time, which begins at 2 a.m. Sunday March 13.


There is a historic reason why DST wad adopted.

Consider putting in new batteries in warning devices such as smoke detectors and radios — and repeat the exercise when standard time returns November 6.

According to the History Channel, Benjamin Franklin did not come up with the idea of daylight saving time; he only suggested a change in sleep schedules.

Is it still worth it to change our clocks twice a year? Empirical evidence really hasn’t found much in the way of benefits, but the costs are numerous. The lawmakers are open to putting the state on Daylight Savings Time year-round.

A study by UBC Sauder finance professor Maurice Levi found that DST shifts impact stock markets.

Bob Dieno launched the petition asking the government that the entire province remains on one time, preferably DST, all year long. If young children go to bed late because of the time change, let them get their normal amount of sleep in the morning.

PEMPCO says they polled 600 people in OR and 600 people in Washington.

But he is not about to give up on his mission.


The Department of Transportation reports switching to Daylight Saving Time reduces energy use, saves lives by preventing traffic accidents and reduces crime. The DST stock-market continues to be researched actively.

Some New England lawmakers propose leaving Eastern Time